Monday, January 31, 2011

Front page

Hello Readers! I wanted to let you know I do have the front page of the book im wrighting, I have also decided to make it a comic for those who don't like reading too much. And as it goes a comic would probably be easier, however the book is more detailed. Anyways, enough of my blabbing lol. 

 You can find the cover for the book/comic here Haus of Dogs cover (will be redone later) It didn't take long to make and im still working on the background behind the husky, however I just wanted to update on it. 

The dog on the cover is one of the characters in the book, here's a little information on him.

Dakota is a six year old Alaskan husky, he's an elder of the Waterview clan. His clan consists of a group of humans, and fifteen other dogs. Dakota is an experienced war veteran and has lost his right eye when shrapnel nearly tore his face off, after four years of therapy and kindness his hair grew back over his face but his eye is a constant blue coloration now. Dakota has been declared a war hero not only by the clan he lives with but also his own kind, stories are constantly told of the brave dog. He's a gental male, pretty laid back for what he has gone through. Dakota teaches us that through love and affection, people can overcome a lot of obstacles in their lives. Dakota lives with his human, Anthony Bear. 

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful and bright day. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Hello, and welcome to my art blog! Here I will be conducting experiments and producing art for a book im writing, however more information on that will be coming at a later time. Ill update with information as I go along with my plotting, and I hope that people will be interested in my works. I also have started sketching and fleshing out a comic called Haus of Dogs, I already made the front page however I think im going to work on it a bit more before uploading it to my account.

If you wanna check out some of my current art you can go to

Until next time readers :)
Have a great day!